by Roger Corsaw
Dimensions: 17.125 x 5 dia.
Purchased through a National Endowment for the Arts Grant, 1971

The Artwork
This cylindric jar is indented with shallow bands showing the presence of the artist's hand in its creation. The brown and green glazes draw attention to the subtle variance on the form's shape. The shape of the circle used throughout the vessel helps achieve unity though repetition. The circle-shaped handle of the lid draws the viewer's gaze to the circular motif on the light band near the cylinder's middle.
The Artist
Roger Corsaw earned his bachelor's degree at New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. He earned his Master of Fine Arts from the Institute of Design in Chicago. From 1936 until 1976, Corsaw taught at the University of Oklahoma where he became Professor Emeritus of Art and instructed alongside notable artists Oscar Jacobson, Leonard Good, Joseph Taylor, and John Frank. Around the 1950s, Corsaw began to design and sell work to Neiman Marcus. His works were featured in many exhibitions at notable institutions including the Museum of Contemporary Craft in New York and Smithsonian Institution. Internationally, he has exhibited at the International Cultural Exchange Exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland and the 2nd International Exhibition of Ceramics in Ostend, Belgium. Among the many prestigious collections that Corsaw's work is included in include the Philbrook Museum of Art, Denver Art Museum, Smithsonian Institute, and the Museum of Contemporary Craft in New York.